Sunday 18 August 2013

hero costume

Hero costume was one of the lasts assignments that were given and everyone had to create a costume.

Since I was a villain, I tried to make my costume look intimidating or maybe a little scary.... I sewed my own pair of pants with extra stretching cloth as the material, as for my top, I simply took an old house shirt and did embroidery with it with my symbol in which was a Spartan dragon...

Then I took out my paintball tactical gloves and mask and some socks as well for the costume and piece it all together... it looked alright but I needed some weapons sooo I took out my plastic sword in which was used for a Halloween party during the days of my high school and I even took out the hidden blade from assassins creed and I must looked pretty well fitted with all the pieces together...

then everyone had to go to university for a photoshoot and while I was waiting to get my shot...I decided to scare my friends around campus with this...tee hee! =P

cts simulation trip day 3

Today is the last day of the trip so my friends and I decided to sleep in and maybe have the snacks we bought and played basketball there...

it feels kind of weird as well as sad to say that the trip ends today...feels like as if it was too short and maybe should have been 10 days or so but we had to come back to reality for our classes...

I really do hope we will have more of these kind of trips but maybe longer...and I would like to thank my awesome lecturer mr. Charles for organising this trip and having fun with us! yay! =D

cts simulation trip 2

It's the second day of the trip and it was rather more relaxing than day1.....
All we did was flying fox and rock climbing (in which earned my team some points). Then after that, we did paintball! though only around 10 people was awesome! The game was simple, we were divided into 2 teams in which consists of 5 people and our goal was to save our lecturer who was the hostage...

It was simply amazing as the game was getting more and more intense, eventually me and a friend of mine were out of the game as the enemy shot our heads... then it got even more exciting when my team was only down to 2 men, in the end, my team had won as the enemies were concentrating their fire on my platoon leader while the other got the chance to slip away to save the hostage...

After 3 games of intense paintballing, we went on down to join the rest of the classmates at the river to freshen up... after the river wash-up, we went back into our teams and proceed with one of the last tasks...lantern making... the purpose of this lantern is to draw out the "villain" in this trip in which is supposed to show up after our BBQ dinner. Woah I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the villain who was our lecturer! and everyone was practically running for their lives away from him because his powers are that if he touches a person, that person's team has to give in a tag in which increases his power or so... and the only way to defeat him is to find an ancient artefact.

My friends and I had so much fun running from him and at the same time scavenging for the artefact... however, I had a secret mission...I was working as the villains evil minion and my job was to lead people to the villain in order for him to get the tags...and I had so much fun chasing people and scaring them...

Alas, one of the team managed to scavenge the artefact and they won the game....later that night, we all went to the hotsprings to relax as well as to celebrate someone's birthday

CTS simulation trip day 1

I went for a class field trip to refreshment springs for 3days and 2 nights and the experience there is simply amazing. By the time my friends and I reached there...we were assigned to cabins and later sorted into groups and met our lecturer who was in "character mode" who told us some briefing about the tasks the teams are supposed to complete and after that... the PAIN begins.

each group were given these clues which weren't that helpful as there were rather confusing and it was basically a riddle... of course, the first thing that came to my mind was that we were supposed to look for an object or so...since we saw other teams seem like they were looking for something as well. The funny thing was...all was well, then it started to rain and got really depressing as we couldn't find anything and we really wanted to win this challenge so we decided to use one of our 25 cheat passes(25 tags were given to each team in case if we cant find out anything we can exchange it for more clues...however, a tag is very precious as it contains points). With the help of this tag, we managed to figure out the riddle but the answer only left to another series of tasks.

Basically what we did on the first day of the trip were tasks...lots and lots of them! I felt like a zombie after the last one... I crashed in my cabin and totally ditched my friend in the hot spring... sorry man =P